So, it's back to work time for us all after the summer break!  We hope you had a great summer.

We know where you're looking

We've been busy over the summer!  In late July/ early August we completed our fieldwork on our project for East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Safer Roads Humber on attention distribution whle driving.  We set our volunteer participants a series of surprises whilst they were driving on a closed track, and measured where they were looking and what they were attending to using eye tracking technology.  We are analysing where people look on the road ahead, where they look within the car, and how their behaviour changes when they're under different experimental conditions requiring various levels of cognitive engagement.  We also applied eye tracking to compare novice and experienced drivers' performance on the DVSA's Hazard Perception Test.  We're in the midst of the data analysis process right now, and will post about the results once they're released.  

The same technology we used in car can be applied to multiple scenarios.  We've previously deployed the same methods to understand the living room experience, consumer engagement with Out of Home advertising, user experience of apps and web experiences, and retail engagement.  If you're thinking of a study using fixed or mobile eye tracking, based on robust psychological theory and methods, get in touch to see if we can help.

New lab and office space

Whilst we've been busy with our research, Goldsmiths University of London (where we're based) has been busy building and kitting out our new lab and office space.  We're very excited about the new space.  It has dedicated spaces for our 'living lab' set up, and for our immersive Virtual Reality installation,  and the client viewing booth has been upgraded to a professional standard too.  We move in later this month and will share pics once we're settled in.   To book a study by i2 media research in our new facilities, get in touch!

That's all for now, but we'll post again soon. In the meantime, we're looking forward to hearing  from you:

